Version:4 - 20100630
Author:Keith Fenske (Identity Number Forty-Seven)
Post Date:September 30, 2010   Mirror     (Download hosted by another server)
Comments:This program requires the Java run-time environemnt (JRE), a free download at

From: Identity Number Forty-Seven <identity@number.47> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:54:42 -0600 Subject: Java font programs Newsgroups: alt.binaries.fonts I wrote these Java programs to help manage my font collection. They run on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. They are free under the GNU General Public License. Please read the PDF documentation in each ZIP file. Windows users should run RedEar's Font Renamer, which is posted quarterly in alt.binaries.fonts. The same Java programs can be downloaded from any of these web sites:

From: Identity Number Forty-Seven <identity@number.47> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:01:38 -0600 Subject: Re: Java font programs - (1/3) Newsgroups: alt.binaries.fonts Attachment:   Mirror     (Download hosted by another server)

Excerpts from program documentation CharMap is a Java 5.0 graphical (GUI) application to display Unicode characters or glyphs in text fonts, and copy those characters to the system clipboard. Its major purpose is as a visual accessory for word processors such as Microsoft Word. The “character map” utility that comes with Windows suffers from several problems. This Java application can be resized, for text and the program window, which is important in many languages. Features are limited to make the application faster and simpler to use. A single click adds a character to the sample text, and the sample text is automatically copied to the system clipboard on each click. Menu font name, size caption You may choose the font to be displayed and the size of the characters or glyphs. (Glyphs are bits and pieces that a font combines to produce the characters you see. In most cases, one character maps to one glyph.) You may edit the sample text, erase it with the “Clear” button, or copy it to the system clipboard with the “Copy All” button. Paste the text into your word processor in the normal manner, which is usually a Control-V key combination. Editing the sample text and pressing the Enter key also copies to the clipboard. Specific characters can be copied from the sample text by selection and with the usual Control-C combination. More characters are available via the scroll bar on the right. A description is shown in the “caption” field when characters have a particular name or meaning. Common readings or sounds are given for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters. Cantonese is prefixed with “C”, Japanese “Kun” with “J”, Korean with “K”, Mandarin with “M”, and Sino-Japanese “On” with “S”. An English translation of CJK character definitions would have been more amusing but less practical. Keyboard shortcuts are provided to mimic the scroll bar: the Control-Home key combination goes to the very first character, Control-End goes to the last character, Page Down and Page Up scroll one screen at a time, and the arrow keys scroll one line at a time. You need to combine the End and Home keys with the Control (Ctrl) key when the sample text has keyboard focus. The F1 key is the only helpful undocumented feature.