K22 GKW Computer by Toto
Font:K22 GKW Computer
Post Date:October 1, 2011

From: "Toto" <toto@to.to> Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 15:51:34 +0800 Subject: My computer font Newsgroups: alt.binaries.fonts,alt.binaries.mac.fonts Here's K22 GKW Computer based on G.K.W. Computer attributed to American Type Founders in an image of a letter transfer that I have (see attached.) This is something that I would not normally do but someone told me it hasn't been done yet. Also when I checked the , GKW Computer matched the sample text for Moore Computer (on page 70) except for the H. I thought the H might be an alternate but the link to a site posted by Mindofone in the Auto Mission thread has the character set of Moore Computer and definitely showed it is not GKW Computer. Only 2 letters differ in the alphabet but many differences in the numerals and punctuations. I was almost done with the font when I saw it so I decided to finish the font. I was done with this font for over a week now but kind of forgot about it. I only generated the final font last night. BTW this font might have been the inspiration of whoever designed the jersey font of the seasons. The font comes in OTF, TTF and Windows Type 1. Enjoy - Toto http://abfonts.freehostia.com http://www.fontspace.com/toto http://freefonts.fateback.com/toto http://www.dafont.com/toto.d3205 Attachment: 22gkw.rar [See font download link below] Attachment: gkw-by-atf.jpg G.K.W. Computer by American Type Founders
K22 GKW Computer
Open Type + True Type + Type 1