K22 Plural is based on a font designed by Vicente Rojo for the Mexican magazine Plural
Font:K22 Plural
Post Date:October 10, 2013

From: "Toto" <toto@to.to> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 19:11:08 +0800 Subject: K22 Plural Newsgroups: alt.binaries.fonts K22 Plural is my take on the font designed by Vicente Rojo for Plural, a Mexican magazine, in the early 1970s. It is not known if the font exists in digital form. Info on Vicente Rojo: http://alfredoenmexico.over-blog.com/article---vicente-rojo--estrella-
The blog is where the source image used as the basis for the font came from. There seems to be a scanning or ptinting flaw on the "t" in the source image. The dot on the "t" does not appear on the image that was posted at http://typophile.com/node/106558 I followed the one at Typophile. Enjoy! Toto Attachment: K22 Plural.rar [See font download link below] Attachment: k22plural.png K22 Plural basic character set
Open Type + True Type