Variante Initials by Claude
Post Date:August 5, 2010
Comments:The uppercase of this font is based on Variante Initials and the lowercase is based on Stradivarius. Variante was designed by Joachim Romann and Stradivarius was designed by Imre Reiner.
Variante Initials is on page 91 and Stradivarius is on page 81 of the Script and Cursive Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts by Dan X. Solo. Also, Variante Initials is on page 114 and Stradivarius is on page 98 of The Solotype Catalog of 4,147 Display Typefaces.

From: claude <claudeserieux©> Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 02:24:38 GMT Subject: Variante (version test) - 1 attachment Newsgroups: alt.binaries.fonts Un mélange de 2 styles : Variante de Joachim Romann 1951 et … Doit-on les mixer ou pas ??? claude
A combination of 2 styles: Variante by Joachim Romann 1951 and... Should they mix or not???
Attachment: VarianteInitials.otf
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