The Solotype Catalog of 4,147 Display Typefaces

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PAGEAlso on pageSoloCat or Solofont NameAlias AnalysisMatchDover CD BookComments
166G* Gothic16 sans faces all seem to be optical variants of two sources; one with a single-story LC a, one with 2-story LC a. Could probably create all from any of the two.NoThere are other differences, making many more than two basic faces,
166Gable GothicBee Two (URW),Opti Gable, Gamut Light (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)YesGalaxy, Gable, Garfield, and Gamma are increasingly bolder (in that order) versions of the same type face.
99Gabriele (misspelled - should be Gabrielle)(Tim Ryan/TypeRevivals), (Dieter Steffmann)Yes
166Gala GothicNo
50GaladrielleGaladriel (Alan Meeks, E&F,Font Company/URW), Gandalf (Softmaker)YesThis is a bold version of Eccentric (this page and page 20). Original design, Galadriel by Letraset
166Galaxy GothicBee One (URW), Opti Galaxy, Galina (Novel!), Gamut Extra Light (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
17GalenaGunsmoke (FontMesa)Yes
55Gallia(Solofonts, Image Club Graphics, Monotype), Galleria (Corel), GE Galleria (GrafxEdge), Gallery (Gerard Bernor)YesADC
55Gallia No. 2Gallia Two (Character). CG Gallia Two (Agfa/Miles attribution, but looks like a poor scan and incomplete possible backformation from Gallia)Yes
197Galliard(Adobe, Bitstream, Carter & Cone) and moreYes
197Galliard BoldBrendel Capitol.Yes
118Game PlanNo
166Gamma GothicBee Four (URW), Opti Gamma, Gamina (Novel!), Gamut Medium (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
110Gans Bold GothicSchneidlerGrobeGotische (Intellecta), Ganz Grobe Gotische (Steffmann)Yes
133Garamond (Outline & Bold)See main records for Garamond. There are some horrendous outline versions by Softmaker.Some
133Garamond OldstylePrima GAB; SoftMaker Garamond Standard.Yes
187Garamond OutlineNo
133Garamond, ITCDigital versions include Adobe's by the original name,; Corel Gatineau; Corel/Bitstream's Garamond, ITC; Opti's Garamond Phone?; Prima's GAI; SoftMaker's Garamond Nova; and Swfte's Garamand.Yes
26GardeniaGardenia Victorian (Douglas Day); Holtzschue (Rakowski.) Dieter Steffmann offers an enhanced, expanded version of the Rakowski Holtzschue face.Yes
63Garfield (6 Shad Vars)No
166Garfield GothicBee Three (URW), Opti Garfield, Gamut Book (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
197Gargoyle and Gargoyle ItalicRed Rooster offers a version. Opti has both Opti Gargoyle and Opti Gargoyle Italic.Yes
67GarlandJudy's Garland (anon)YesAvailable on most free sites. The "X" is peculiar. © shows "Surrender Dorothy:
166Garnet GothicGamut Extra Black (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
197Garth GraphicDigital versions include Adobe's and Agfa's by the original name, SoftKey SSi's Axiomatic; and WSI's Steward.Yes
900Gashouse GangSolofonts version @ MyFonts.Yes
167Gaspipe GothicNo
101Gaston(Solo- in Dover Bold Script book/CD pack), (Opti)YesBOSAnswer (Enstep), BenguiatCharisma (PhotoLettering), PT Banana Split (Kinghorm), and Candice (URW and Fontshop) was previously shown as a match. They are similar, but wouldn't qualify as being matches.
202Gatting (three weights)NoA reworking of Palatino
166Gaucho GothicOpti Gaucho; Novel Gautane; Brendel Hombre, Prima Gassaway.Yes
166Gay GothicGay (Filmotype)Yes
13GazelleGallantry Roman (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)+D148Yes
166Gazette GothicGamut Bold (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
26Gazette No.5No
167Gem Gothic(Filmotype)Yes
16GentryCicero or Cicero 1 (unattributed) YesShown as Besley in Nicolete Greys book, 1857. Cicero was the original tradename [McGrew 341]. "Gentry" came from Frederic Nelson Phillips, in his 1945 specimen book.
900Genzsch InitialsSolofont included in Dover Celtic book + CD pack.YesCEL
23GeometricNoGeometric by Agfa, and Baltimore Geometric by HIH Retro fonts are very close but in detail are different and HIH's is much bolder. The slope of the crossbar in the 'a', for example, and the descenders on the g's are different than shown in the catalog. The Agfa and HiH fonts are based on Antique Geometric by the Baltimore Type Foundry, c. 1884. Solo's may be based on the same era's Geometric, by the Boston Type Foundry.
23Geometric ItalicNoGeometric (Agfa) has differences similar to those in the regular version. The Retro font version has no italic.
114Georgian InitialsNo
109Germania(Dieter Steffmann), Deutsch Gothic (J. Fordyce, 1994, Dieter Steffmann, 1998))YesDieter created a number of variants under the Germania name, including shadowed, banner, and initials. MEG enhanced them with punctuation and more variations.
118Gesh Stencil (Gesh Export)Digital versions include Brendel's WANTED; Novel's Gangplank; Opti's Gilpin 5; and SoftKey SSi's Forklift Display.Yes
900Ghost ShowSolofonts version @ MyFonts.Yes
166Giant Gothic(Filmotype, Opti), Undertaker (Brendel), Gisborne (Prima), Girth (Novel!), Gamut Roman (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
28GilbeySolofonts version @ MyFonts.Yes
178Gill (Sans) ShadowMonotype Gill Sans Inline. I think other versions exist, records incomplete. Also, some software can generate this style on the fly from a standard solid non-3D version of the font.Yes
173Gill Kayo (2 vars)Letraset, ITC FontekYes
185Gill Kayo OutlineNo
173Gill SansDigital versions include Adobe and many moreYes
192Gill Sans BlackWSI Giligan.Yes
167Gill Sans Bold Extra CondensedThis variant is included in the Ascender Creativity Font Pack.Yes
100Gillies Gothic(Agfa/Miles/Monotype, URW, Elsner & Flake, Letraset, Mecanorma). Airstream (Nick Curtis), Diner (Broderbund), Gillies (Elfring), Gilliam Script (Softmaker), Galante (WSI), Goal Gothic 5 (Opti - not found)YesBowfin Printworks lists Flott as equivalent.
166Ginger Gothic(Filmotype)Yes
14GingerbreadGingerbread Victorian (Character)Yes
55Giraffe (CD & WD)No
46Giraldon (Solo). YesANVDover/Solofont Art Nouveau book + CD pack
46Giraldon BoldNo
46Giraldon ItalicNo
51Gismonda(Atech, FontGrube,SamWang), Saga (A&L), Templar (SWFTE), and Machiavelli (Brendel). Goodman 10 (Cambridge Fontworks) is a clone of Atech's Gismonda.Yes
13GladiateSolofonts version @ MyFonts.Yes
117Glaser Stencil BoldTemplett (BA) and Stencil Sans (A&L) are identical.YesThis is NOT the same as Futura Stencil (even though the displayed text is "FUTURA STENCIL". The R's are different, among other traits.
117Glaser Stencil LightAldus cites look-alikes.Yes
192GlasgowGlasgow from Brendel or SoftMaker. Red Rooster also has a version.Yes
50Glass ArtNo
171GlassterTried WhatTheFontNo
166Glenlake Gothic(Filmotype), (Opti)Yes
170Global FinelineNo
166Globe AceNo
157Globe Gothic (6 variants)(Lanston, Monotype, Mecanorma); Goudy Globe Gothic (Stylus Lettering).Yes
157Globe Gothic Extra CondensedHeadline Modified (HPLHS)Yes
185Globe Gothic OutNo
109Globus Bold (Albert Text)See "Albert Text", this page.Yes
99Gloria (Script)Solofont in Dover Scripts pack, Pismo Clambake (Nick Curtis). Opti Gloria is clearly a look-alike but doesn't match the Solocat sample quite as closely - the starred i-dot becomes softened to a square.YesSCR
11Glorietta(Solotype), Many others, including P22Victorian Swash, Trinigan FG(Fontgrube), Goodfellow (Scriptorium), Bluegum Forest (Tris Nguyen, corrected by MEG). Burton'sNightmare (anon). YesVICOriginally Columbian - CLeveland Type Foundry and others.
102Gloriosky (Kingsland)Rumrunner (Silver Graphics)Yes
86Glossy Script (2 wts)No
900Gloucester InitialsSolofont included in Dover Celtic book + CD pack.YesCEL
18Glyptic Bold ShadedMorgan TwentyNine (Dieter Steffmann, FontShop, OPTI), Livery Stable (Font Mesa)YesNamed Glyptic Shaded in 100 Victorian Alphabets; Morgan 29 can be found renamed to Glyptic Bold Shaded.
68Go Fish!No
166Goddess GothicNo
42GodivaKunstgewerbe NF (Nick Curtis / NicksFonts), (Anon; made iwth Font Creator)YesDesign by J. M. Bergling 1914
21Gold Rush(Image Club Graphics), GoldMine (Corel), Goldstone (WSI/IMSI). The WSI version is also available renamed to Gold Rush. GoldRush(FontMesa, with original lower case added), Burbank Shadow (LHF)Yes
36Golden EraSolofont included in 2001 Dover Circus book + CD pack; not listed in 2008. Possible elimination or name change?YesCIR
14Goldwin / GoldwynNoGoldwin in the catalog, Goldwyn in the index
22Gone with the WindThis font is essentially "Scarlett" for the upper case and "Rhett" for the lower caseYes
100GongBad Gong (Peter Wiegel)Yes
32GoodfellowSolofonts version @ MyFonts.YesSheepman by Flat-it is similar
900GoosefleshSolofont included in Dover Grunge book + CD pack. Probably same as described as Bumpy Gooseflesh on a WEB site., Attic Antique (Three Islands Press)YesGRU
162Gorton CondensedGordon Condensed (FontCompany, URW)YesURW acquired The Font Company's assets; they are probably the same font.
82Gotham CityNew Yorker (Allen Walden), New Yorker Type (Wiescher), NYIrvin (Irvin)YesMany other simulations of the New Yorker magazine's type style
39Gothic Tuscan Cond WilcoxNo
192Gotwick SansNo match yetNo
131Goudy (many styles)Many of these are available from such foundries as Linotype.Most are not (yet?) listed individually here.Yes
187131Goudy Bold OutlineSoftmaker has a number of created outlines (same name) that are close.Yes
131Goudy CatalogCorel/Bitstream spell their version Goudy Catalogue. Agfa offers an original. FontBank look-alike is called Goldenstar. Prima's is GOC1. Yes
131Goudy CursiveOpti Goudy Cursive, LTC Gourdy Oldstyle Cursive (LanstonType)Yes
131Goudy FlairNo
131Goudy Handtooled(Scangraphics, Elsner & Flake, Softmaker), Opti's Goudy Handtooled; SoftKey SSi's Goudy; YesThe two varieties of Goudy Handtooled are based on Goudy Catalog.
131Goudy Handtooled RecutGoudy Handtooled (Agfa,/Monotype, Bitstream)Yes
144Goudy Heavyface (or XB)Digital versions include Adobe's by the original name, Corel/Bitstream's Goudy Heavyface; Agfa's original included in the Print Artist bundle;SoftKey SSi's Goudy; and SoftMaker's Goudy Heavyface.Yes
197Goudy ItalianBoth Brendel and SoftMaker offer 5 variants of Goudita; and Opti offers Goudy Italien.Yes
197Goudy Lavenham Bold'Gascogne Medium' by B&P is very close. Caps appear to be exact, but lower case are not quite as wide as the sample.Partial
113Goudy Medieval(Tim Ryan/TypeRevivals, Richard Beatty, Dieter Steffmann - two weights), Hingham Test (Solo).YesDesign by Frederic Goudy, 1930
131Goudy Old Style(Adobe, Corel/Bitstream); OFLGoudyStm (Barry Schwartz). Also one distributed with ClickArt, name unknown.Yes
179Goudy Open (2 variants); could subst handtooledNo
198Goudy SuperNoGoudy Bold (URW) is a slightly lighter version
108Goudy TextSolofont included in Dover Gothic book + CD pack. Available as Goudy Text from Adobe & the Ascender Creativity Pack, and Monotype; plus other major vendors. Arthur (Imageline, 6 variants), . Lohengrin (Dieter Steffmann)YesGOT
113Goudy Thirty(Lanston, Dieter Steffmann - two weights)Yes
82Grab BagHFF Eye Sore (HFF)Yes
900Gradl InitialenDouglas Day scanned & digitized this face from the Dover Treasury of Art Nouveau Alphabets book. HiHRetroFontsYes
900Gradl Monogramme OneDouglas Day scanned & digitized this font from one of the print Dover publications. aka Picasso.Yes
900GraduateSolofont included in Dover Calligraphic book + CD pack.YesCAL
94Graffito BoldNo
94Graffito Outline(Solo)YesOUT
184Grafito OutlineSolofont included in Dover Outline book + CD pack.YesOUT
173192Granby (8 variants between the two pages)(Berthold, Opti, Elsner and Flake, Bulldog-27 artificial variations), Gra Reg (Prima)Yes
192173Granby (8 variants between the two pages)(Berthold, Opti, Elsner and Flake, Bulldog-27 artificial variations), Gra Reg (Prima)Yes
185173Granby OutlineCould be created artificially.NoLike most of the oulines on pp 181-187, this was probably an optical effect, which is reproducible with contremporary font and image software.
38Grand WoodNo
9GrandmotherEastSideSolid (TypeArt Foundry - slightly lighter)Yes
9Grandmother CondensedNo
53GrangeBoth Rick Mueller and Dieter Steffmann offer free same-named versions of this font. Millrich Grange NF (Nick's Fonts)Yes
20Grant AntiqueRefugio (Nick Curtis), Sheridan Gothic (Spiece Graphics), Grant Rustic (Opti)YesVICSolo Rustic and Rough-Hewn Alphabets. p30
20Grant Antique Wide(Solo, LHF)YesCIR
166Grant GothicGamut Black (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
110Graphic TextNo
182Graphique (Graphik & Graphik Shadow)Digital versions include A&L's Phoenix (BA); Corel's Griffon; ClickArt's Phoenix (BA) originals in Image Club's MegaPak; Prima's Gri Reg + Gri Sha; SoftMaker's G820 Deco incl embossed; and WSI's GREAT SHADOW and GRT RELIEF, New Graphique Pro (RMU)Yes
198Graphis Extra BoldBeckenham Extra Bold (Red Rooster), Wordsworth (URW)YesDesigner: Leslie Usherwood of Typesettra Ltd.
127Grasset Octavian (Scriptorium)Yes
127Grasset ItalicIsla (Sudtipos/Alejandro Paul & Alfredo Graziani)Yes
198Grassmere (4 weights)TriedWhatTheFontNo
128Graybar BookSolofont digital version included in Dover/Solofont Art Deco book + CD pack.YesADC
29GrecianBrendel Rhodos; Opti Grecian Bold; Novel Greenwood; Prima Great Falls; and a Solofonts version @ MyFonts. Subflux Athletic Supporter free file. Griego Condensed (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
33Grecian Cd FinelineNo
3327Grecian Extra CdHFF Greek ExCon (HFF/Have Fun With Fonts), Grecian XX Condensed (WoodenTypeFonts), Griego XX Condensed (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
2733Grecian Extra CondensedHFF Greek ExCon (HFF/Have Fun With Fonts), Grecian XX Condensed (WoodenTypeFonts), Griego XX Condensed (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
38Grecian Extra WideGriego Full Faced (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
35Grecian No.6Griego X Condensed Bold (The Type Heritage Project - Alan J. Prescott)Yes
36Grecian ShadedNo
84Greco AdornadoGraceAdonis(SoftHorizons),Circus (Brendel), Ramona(WSI). Greco Adornado (Anon), Greco-Adornado (DesignHaus?), Greco Deco Inline(LazyDog)Yes
84Greco BoldGreco Deco Solid (LazyDog)Yes
84Greco Bold ItalicGreco-BoldItalic (LazyDog)Yes
100Greeting Card CasualNoFilmotype Kentucky is remarkably similar.
190Greeting Monotone(Monotype/Agfa/Miles), Grasshopper (Nick Curtis), Greetings (Rick Mueller), Argonaut (SWFTE), Dekros (Bill Wolfer), Ganelon (Scriptorium- upper case only), Cannolot (SSI/SSK)Yes
900GretaSolofont included in Dover Moderne book + CD pack.YesMODShown as "Garbo" in the Moderne Alphabets book. Originally designed by Gary Cooke for Mecanorma
900GretchenSolofonts version @ MyFonts.Yes
86Gridiron ScriptNo
118119Grocers StencilGrocer Stencil (Bulldog)Yes
119118Grocers StencilGrocer Stencil (Bulldog)Yes
49GrockSolofont digital version included in Dover/Solofont Art Deco book + CD pack.YesADC
69GrogCake Frosting (Neil Van Ess.), Grog Caps (Traitor Vic)Yes
900GrooveSolofont included in Dover Moderne book + CD pack.YesMOD
57GrooveyDXS Grooviest GothicYes
176Grotesk No. 9URW Grotesque No. 9. Also Opti Grotesk No. 9 Extra Bold Agency.Yes
139Grouch(ICG), ITC Grouch (ICG, Bitstream), Grouch BT (Bitstream)YesThe Bitstream/Corel version hasn't been oficially available since ITC terminated its licensing agreement with Bitstream.
139Grouch SwashNo
36Grubstake (Open & Black)No
900GrumbleSolofont included in Dover Grunge book + CD pack.YesGRU
48Guggenheim ShadedNo
192Guinness (2 weights)No match yetNo
58Gumball BoldNo
12GutenbergGutenberg Medium (Solofont Victorian). Guttenberg (Rick Mueller - yes, RM's is with TWO t's), Aridi 61, Madelyn (SignDNA), YesVICThere exist four different fonts all with internal attribution to Dan Solo. Their provenance isn't clear.
Gutenberg Medium was included with the 24 Victorian Fonts CD and unavailable elsewhere.
Gutenberg Nouveau is identical to Gutenberg Medium except for the name. Medium and Nouveau have different encoding than the three 'Alternates' fonts.
Gutenberg Nouveau Alternates and Gutenberg Nouveau Alternates 1 eliminate dots in the counters.
Gutenberg Nouveau Alternates 2 has a more decorative 'A' (but not accented A's) and no dots in the counters.
The MS&J Specimen Book [1892] illustrates variations of their Gutenberg Series. Type Historian mentions a "Font Party Medieval" which noone else has found.
108Gutenberg GothicSolofont included in Dover Celtic book + CD pack.YesCEL
19GypsyGypsy (The Type Heritage Project - Robert Donona)Yes
22Gypsy RoseUser-scanned and digitized version exists; Attribution is "Fonts Anon". Was apparently intended for private ciculation among members of a font club.Yes
166Gyro GothicNo

Art Deco | Art Nouveau | Blackletter | Brush, Freestyle | Calligraphic | Classic Initials | Condensed Styles | Latins | Miscellaneous Types
Ornaments | Outline/Shadow | Romans, Italics | Rustic Types | Sans Serifs | Scripts | Sports Types | Square Serifs | Stencil Types
Theme, Topical | Thick-and-Thin | Uncials, Monograms | Victorian | Wood Types | Additional
Solotype Fonts | Dan X. Solo Alphabet Books Fonts | Glossary | Revision History
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This web page is based on the March 2015 and May 2015 Solopedia updates posted by David Smith at alt.binaries.fonts
This web site is maintained by abfonts - alt.binaries.fonts
Page updated on May 27, 2015